A Conscious Retreats Blog Post, Soul Retrieval
What Is Soul Loss? Sandra Ingerman’s Abstract on Shamanism states that, “There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more...

A Conscious Retreats Blog Post, Benefits of Holistic Retreats
Why take a retreat? With the stresses of modern life and the intense workload for many following the coronavirus pandemic, the fallout of...

Inner Child, what is it? Apart of Coming Home to Wholeness
Part of ourselves that is present since we were born through our developing years from being a baby, to infant to toddler to young...

Gestalt Therapy, A part of Coming Home to Wholeness
As part of Coming Home to Wholeness Gestalt therapy will be used, the following blog will be a brief breakdown on what Gestalt Therapy is...

Coming Home to Wholeness Retreat at Monteda Orada, Portugal.
The poet Rumi wrote: This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary...

Heart of Light Workshop Empowering you to Empower yourself
Achieve your Potential Access that point of light within yourself that you know is powerful – that has the ability for you to fulfil...
Forthcoming courses:
CBT Level 5 Diploma, enrol / interviews now, email for details and application form joedwardstraining@gmail.com. Accredited with CPCAB...
BACP Approved Practitioner Diploma in conjunction with CPCAB. Starting September.
The BACP Approved Practitioner Qualification - CPCAB Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling offers many benefits for students. Feel...
Level 2 Introduction to Counselling Concepts starts 24 Jan
Starting Thursday 24th January 6pm – 8.30 FOR 8 weeks 39 Rodney Street, Liverpool Email: hello@liverpoolempowermentcentre.co.uk Text Jo ...

Course information now online!
You can now watch our video on course information and download the slides as a PDF file. You can also download an application form.